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Every hold has a purpose

  • Large series and families that specifically work together to maximize efficiency and aesthetic use

  • Currently over 700 shapes available

  • Discount pricing on bulk/quantity orders

  • Orders ship in 10 business days

  • Every hold has a screw-on option

Ice'd Family

The Ice'd Family was created to give routesetters a full range of tools for designing routes that are eye-catching and extremely functional. It's widely known that dual-tex holds are the most effect way to encourage specific movement, so we wanted to give everyone what they really want! Currently, we have three series of holds in the Ice'd Family: The Fade Slopers, Glazed Jugs, and the Looking Glass Pockets (with more additions on the way!). Every Series within the Ice'd Family will be dual-tex, and every hold will be made with care.


$2,000 MSRP  |  70 holds  |  9 sizes

Smooth, subtle, and very low-profile - the Fades are designed to challenge any climber...


$2,000 MSRP  |  70 holds  |  9 sizes

Variations of positivity throughout, ranging from very slopey dishes to positive...


$2,200 MSRP  |  70 holds  |  9 sizes

The Glazed Jugs are a perfect counterpart to the Fade slopers!


Ergot Family

The Ergot Family was created for the all around user, to give them the full, eye-opening experience of climbing. Comrpised of the Dose Fins and the Tracer Edges - the Ergots include some basic, smooth, rounded features that are comfy to grab and pleasant to look at. Keep an eye out for more series to be released in this Family.


$2,400 MSRP  |  70 holds  |  9 sizes

These fins will add diversity and character to any climbing wall, versatile on any angle/grade.


$2,200 MSRP  |  70 holds  |  9 sizes

low-pro edges are a practical for every wall! They are extremely directional and super comfy...


Shade Theory Family

The Shade Theory is a concept that relies on the routesetters to do what they do best: get creative! Each series is designed to work compatibly with the other series in this family - some will stack or overlap, others will block or nest, all are great on their own. The coolest part of all: we know there are ways to use these holds that we haven't even thought of (which is exactly why we made them - we want to see what you can do)! 


In order to keep this family cohesive, the one common feature within every series is the base-radius of each size: all of our series following the Fibonacci sequence (2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and 34 inch diameter radius). Because each of these series relate to each other in size, you can mix and match between them all to do some really unique and interesting things. 


$6,075 MSRP  |  90 holds  |  7 sizes

Systematic series (increasing in size from 2-21 inches, following the Fibonacci Sequence).


$2650 MSRP  |  64 holds  |  7 sizes

These holds are designed to fit, overlap, and stack with the Shade Wedges...


$1,100 MSRP  |  3 holds  |  3 sizes

These holds are designed to fit, overlap, and stack with the Shade Theory Family...

Mass Luminous Slider 1_edited.jpg

$2,000 MSRP  |  70 holds  |  7 sizes

Nesting, fitting, and everything in between within the Shade Theory Family of grips.

Light Waves Slider 1_edited.jpg

The Goods Family

The Goods Family was designed to give your hands a subtle somethin' to bite into, by always including a "seam" for your fingers to find. That's where the "Goods" name comes from: finding that good, "sweet spot". Don't worry though... we will add some "bads" to the mix soon!


$2,100 MSRP  |  70 holds  |  9 sizes

Two prominent "seams" line either side of these comfortable, feel-good pinches...


$2,100 MSRP  |  70 holds  |  9 sizes

Long and stretched out, with a "rail-like" aesthetic, and a low-profile height...

Quality features of our grips


Orders ship in 10 business days!


Produced at Peak Performance Polymers


Colors matched to meet industry standards


Shaped for routesetters by routesetters


Every hold is screw-on compatible (even our bolt-on holds!)

Ocelot Grips Climbing Holds

Ocelot Grips Copyright 2025

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